Southend Chess Club Title

Results 2014/15 Index   Barton Cup   Lightning

Results 2014/15 - Speed Chess Grand Prix

This competition runs from May to September with nine events of 'five', 'ten' or 'fifteen' minute games. Points are awarded for the top four places (20, 12, 8 and 4 respectively) and one point for taking part. The player with the highest points total at the end of all nine events holds the Speed Chess Grand Prix trophy for one year. The results of the 'ten' and 'fifteen' minute games are sent for ECF rapidplay grading.

An incremental time control is now in operation. For 'five' minute games the actual time control will be three minutes plus three seconds per move, for 'ten' minute games the actual time control will be six minutes plus five seconds per move and for 'fifteen' minute games the actual time control is ten minutes plus five seconds per move.

Grand Prix Standings

1Howard Grist 18416122016201612124
2Stephen L Wedlock16125204161220105
3Michael J Saunders1201412616464
4John Wright16816811454
5Fred R Whitefield4111686431
6Colin M Newton58619
7Tony C Lodge115119
8James I Courtenay111418
=9Matt P Bellman11
=9William U Bremner11
=9Nigel E Cook11

Event 1 - 08/05/15 - 5 Minutes

1Stephen L WedlockX111227   16
2John Wright1X11227   16
3Howard Grist11X218
4Fred R Whitefield110X125   4
5Michael J Saunders00½1X3   1
6Tony C Lodge0010½X1

Event 2 - 22/05/15 - 10 Minutes

1Michael J Saunders152X½1½114   18320
2Stephen L Wedlock174½X101117312
3John Wright15200X1113   1638
4Howard Grist180½10X011534
5Fred R Whitefield1480001X12   1431
6Tony C Lodge8700000X0   771

Event 3 - 05/06/15 - 15 Minutes

1Howard Grist180w9+b5+w2+b3+w4-4   18316
2John Wright152b7+w8+b1-w6+w3+4   17116
3Colin M Newton149bye+b4+w5+w1-b2-3   1545
4Stephen L Wedlock174b8+w3-b6-w9+b1+3   1635
5Tony C Lodge87b6+w1-b3-bye+w7+3   1115
6Michael J Saunders152w5-b9+w4+b2-b8-2   1301
7William U Bremnere64w2-bye+b9-w8+b5-2   691
8James I Courtenay80w4-b2-bye+b7-w6+2   811
9Fred R Whitefield148b1-w6-w7+b4-bye+2   1291

Event 4 - 19/06/15 - 5 Minutes

1Stephen L WedlockX21227   20
2Howard Grist0X2226   12
3John Wright10X124   8
4Michael J Saunders001X23   4
5Tony C Lodge0000X0   1

Event 5 - 03/07/15 - 10 Minutes

1Howard Grist177X1111116   20420
2Michael J Saunders1620X110114   17012
3Colin M Newton14700X11½11628
4Stephen L Wedlock172000X1113   1544
5John Wright1580100X102   1371
6Fred R Whitefield14600½00X11291
7James I Courtenay80000010X1   871

Event 6 - 17/07/15 - 15 Minutes

1Howard Grist177X1011115   18216
2Stephen L Wedlock1720X111115   18016
3Michael J Saunders16210X01114   1606
4Fred R Whitefield146001X1114   1556
5Matt P Bellmane660000X112   831
6James I Courtenay8000000X11   731
7Tony C Lodge91000000X0   621

Event 7 - 31/07/15 - 5 Minutes

1Howard GristX22220
2Stephen L Wedlock½X226   12
3Fred R Whitefield0½X128
4James I Courtenay001X12   4
5John Wright0001X1   1

Event 8 - 14/08/15 - 10 Minutes

1Howard Grist177X10113   17316
2Michael J Saunders1620X1113   17316
3Fred R Whitefield14610X012   1486
4Colin M Newton147001X12   1486
5James I Courtenay800000X0   701

Event 9 - 28/08/15 - 15 Minutes

1Stephen L Wedlock172X½111119520
2Howard Grist177½X011117512
3John Wright15801X0102   1454
4Michael J Saunders162001X012   1454
5Fred R Whitefield1460001X12   1464
6Nigel E Cooke10900100X1   1181

1 Howard Grist was awarded the Speed Chess Cup.

Results 2014/15 Index   Barton Cup   Lightning