Southend Chess Club Title

Results 2017/18 Index   DG Cannan Memorial   Lightning

Results 2017/18 - Speed Chess Grand Prix

This competition runs from May to September with nine events of 'five', 'ten' or 'fifteen' minute games. Points are awarded for the top four places (20, 12, 8 and 4 respectively) and one point for taking part. The player with the highest points total at the end of all nine events holds the Speed Chess Grand Prix trophy for one year. The results of the 'ten' and 'fifteen' minute games are sent for ECF rapidplay grading.

An incremental time control is in operation. For 'five' minute games the time control is three minutes plus three seconds per move, for 'ten' minute games the time control is six minutes plus five seconds per move and for 'fifteen' minute games the time control is ten minutes plus five seconds per move.

Grand Prix Standings

1Howard Grist 12010201220164112115
2Stephen L Wedlock1220121620205105
3Fred R Whitefield20121811012569
4Neil A Sutherland836102047
5Michael J Saunders8103436135
6Colin M Newton318517
7Nick J Lacey81413
8James I Courtenay44111112
9Luka Lacey1113
=10Stuart A Pithers11
=10Luke D Shaw11
=10Mike Thomas11
=10Dennis M Thompson11
=10Alan H Wilson11

Event 1 - 11/05/18 - 5 Minutes

1Howard GristX33410   20
2Stephen L Wedlock1X348   12
3Michael J Saunders11X35   8
4James I Courtenay001X1   4

Event 2 - 25/05/18 - 10 MInutes

1Fred R Whitefield146X1225   17520
2Michael J Saunders1441X½215010
3Howard Grist1760X215010
4James I Courtenay67000X0   574

Event 3 - 08/06/18 - 15 Minutes

1Howard Grist176X111115   20220
2Fred R Whitefield1460X01113   16212
3Neil A Sutherland18001X01½1528
4Colin M Newton153001X012   1423
5Michael J Saunders1440001X12   1423
6Stuart A Pithers8900½00X½891

Event 4 - 22/06/18 - 5 Minutes

1Stephen L WedlockX222222214   20
2Howard Grist0X12222211   12
3Nick J Lacey01X11228
4Michael J Saunders001X12127   4
5Fred R Whitefield00½1X12+1
6Mike Thomas00101X226   1
7Luka Lacey000100X23   1
8Luke D Shaw0000-00X0   1

Event 5 - 06/07/18 - 10 Minutes

1Howard Grist176X1½1111119820
2Stephen L Wedlock1830X1011115   17712
3Fred R Whitefield154½0X101111668
4Michael J Saunders145010X10114   1583
5Neil A Sutherland1760010X1114   1623
6Colin M Newton15400010X113   1451
7Luka Lacey71000000X11   721
8Nick J Lacey880000000X0   701

Event 6 - 20/07/18 - 15 Minutes

1Howard Grist176X½011117916
2Stephen L Wedlock183½X011117916
3Michael J Saunders14511X0013   1696
4Neil A Sutherland176001X113   1696
5Fred R Whitefield1540010X12   1491
6James I Courtenay6500000X0   551

Event 7 - 03/08/18 - 5 Minutes

1Stephen L WedlockX02226   20
2Neil A Sutherland2X1025   10
3Fred R Whitefield01X225   10
4Howard Grist020X24   4
5James I Courtenay0000X0   1

Event 8 - 17/08/18 - 10 Minutes

1Stephen L Wedlock183X1011115   18620
2Fred R Whitefield1540X1½11116812
3Colin M Newton15410X10114   1598
4Nick J Lacey880½0X1111164
5Howard Grist1760010X113   1501
6James I Courtenay6500000X11   631
7Luka Lacey71000000X0   501

Event 9 - 31/08/18 - 15 Minutes

1Neil A Sutherland176b5+w6+b4+b2+w3+5   21220
2Howard Grist176w8+b3=b7+w1-b6+16912
3Colin M Newton154bye+w2=b6=w4+b1-3   1705
4Stephen L Wedlock183b9+w5+w1-b3-b7+3   1645
5Fred R Whitefield154w1-b4-w8+bye+b9+3   1475
6Michael J Saunders145w7+b1-w3=b8+w2-1431
7Alan H Wilson58b6-bye+w2-b9+w4-2   651
8Dennis M Thompsone79b2-w9+b5-w6-bye+2   811
9James I Courtenay65w4-b8-bye+w7-w5-1   371

1 Howard Grist was awarded the Speed Chess Cup.

Results 2017/18 Index   DG Cannan Memorial   Lightning