Southend Chess Club Title

Results 2024/25 Index   Southend League Perriman Cup   Global Coins

Results 2024/25 - Club Championship

1John R Chapman1186
2Mark Clancy1607
3Dennis R Dartnell1597
4Joshua Davis1672
5Taylor R Duke1753
6Joshua Emdon1222
7Howard Grist1965
8Lana Hurrell1076
9David J King1560
10Nick J Lacey1646
11Chris Lynch1567
12Steve Mansere1407
13Ben Middleton1574
14Adam JM Moyse1352
15Freddie H Plante976
16Melvin R Pool1560
17David Ruppert1590
18Michael J Saunders1595
19Dennis M Thompson1322
20Robert Wakelinge1454
21Stephen L Wedlock1869
22Fred R Whitefield1610
23Christopher Wray1329

This event is a six round swiss open to all club members. The results of all games are submitted for ECF rating at the end of each month.

The time control is 36 moves in 90 minutes followed by 24 moves in an hour. If both players agree, then all moves in 80 minutes plus an increment of 10 seconds per move may be played. Rounds will commence promptly at 7.30 p.m.

The winner holds the Jarratt Cup for one year. Ties are broken by a play-off.

The highest placed player rated under 1800 will be awarded the Tilleard Cup (Minor Championship) for one year.
There is also an award for the highest placed player rated under 1500.
Ties for these awards are split by sum of progressive scores, then sum of opponents' scores.

Scheduled dates -

Round 1   Friday 14th February
Round 2   Friday 28th March
Round 3   Friday 25th April
Round 4   Friday 23rd May
Round 5   Friday 20th June
Round 6   Friday 18th July

Results 2024/25 Index   Southend League Perriman Cup   Global Coins