Southend Chess Club Title

Results 2007/08 Index   Southend League Team Lightning   JA Speigel Memorial

Results 2007/08 - Club Championship

1Neil A Sutherland160b16+w8+b5+w4=b2=b3=167
2Ian D Gilbert153w17+b12=w10+b6=w1=b5+161
3Justin P Baptie174w10+b5-w14+b9+b4+w1=166
4Stephen L Wedlock149w14+b9+w6+b1=w3-b7=4   157
5Matthew H Shaw137b11+w3+w1-b12+Db7+w2-4   151
6Howard Grist171b13+w7+b4-w2=b8=w9+4   154
7Colin M Newton 1e120w20+b6-w19+b14+w5-w4=123
8Fred R Whitefield114w19+b1-w11-b16+w6=b13+109
9John Wright107b15+w4-b18+w3-b11+b6-3   107
10Nigel E Cook 273b3-w11+b2-w18=b13=w15+3   64
11Peter H Billson34w5-b10-b8+w15+w9-b14+3   58
12John Tobisch119b18+w2=b13+w5-D137
13Mark G Kaye60w6-b20+Dw12-b19+w10=w8-60
14William U Bremner42b4-w15+b3-w7-b20+w11-2   37
15James I Courtenay11w9-b14-w17+b11-w16+b10-2   30
16Steve J Haggerty58w1-b19-w20+w8-b15-b17+2   38
17Alan H Wilson53b2-w18-b15-w20+b19+w16-2   26
18Henry Fielde30w12-b17+w9-b10=53
19John R Chapman29b8-w16+b7-w13-w17-b20-1   23
20David Cootee30b7-w13-Db16-b17-w14-w19+1   20

Jarratt Cup Play-Off

Neil A Sutherland 31)
Ian D Gilbert0)

Justin Baptie withdrew from the play-off.

1 Colin M Newton was awarded the Tilleard Cup.

2 Nigel E Cook was awarded the Club Championship - Rating Restricted Award.

3 Neil A Sutherland was awarded the Jarratt Cup.

Results 2007/08 Index   Southend League Team Lightning   JA Speigel Memorial