Southend Chess Club Title

Results 2021/22 Index   Southend League Division 1 - 1st Team   Southend League Minor

Results 2021/22 - Southend League Division 1 - 2nd Team

18/10/21Southend IA1-5
22/11/21Basildon IIH2½-3½
17/01/22Basildon IH1½-4½
24/01/22Southend IH1-5
24/02/22Basildon IIA1½-4½
31/03/22Basildon IA1-5

The final league table is on the Southend & District League website.

Basildon I31/03/22Southend II
1Tamas Somogyi (B)2095½½Michael J Saunders1777
2David J Millward199810Colin M Newton1752
3Arunas Gedvilas1833½½Dennis B Paule1650
4D Ian W Reynolds191510Nick J Lacey1675
5Sean A Clarke190010Danny Hodgsone1300
6Peter R Laundy179510David J Kinge1300
Average Rating19231576
Average Performance19011598
Southend II07/03/22Thurrock
1Alex S Davis-Loades (B)183601Mangalaram Sadhasivam1632
2Michael J Saunders177701Andrew Offord1608
3Colin M Newton1752½½Michael D Bradford1608
4Nick J Lacey1675½½Malcolm K Crane1488
5David J Kinge130001Drew Lawrencee1450
6Dhanyadha Bharathi Mugilane140010Mredula Mangalaram708
Average Rating16231416
Average Performance13411698
Basildon II24/02/22Southend II
1Sean A Clarke (B)190010Michael J Saunders1777
2Peter R Laundy179501Colin M Newton1752
3Tye A Byram1765½½Dennis B Paule1650
4Allan Reid171310Nick J Lacey1675
5Steve Higginse152510Danny Hodgsone1300
6Andrew Daniel151010David J Kinge1300
Average Rating17011576
Average Performance17691508
Southend II24/01/22Southend I
1Alex S Davis-Loades (B)1836½½Howard Grist2001
2Michael J Saunders1777½½Neil A Sutherland2000
3Colin M Newton175201Julian Corfield1985
4Nick J Lacey167501Stephen L Wedlock1923
5Joshua Davise130001Dennis B Paule1650
6Christopher Wray135601David J Kinge1300
Average Rating16161810
Average Performance15371889
Southend II17/01/22Basildon I
1Alex S Davis-Loades (B)183601Justin P Baptie2185
2Michael J Saunders1777½½David J Millward1998
3Colin M Newton175201David Kraszewski1960
4Dennis B Paule1650½½Robert E Fowles1960
5Nick J Lacey167501D Ian W Reynolds1915
6David J Kinge1300½½Arunas Gedvilas1833
Average Rating16651975
Average Performance17591882
Thurrock07/12/21Southend II
1Andrew Offord (B)160810Alex S Davis-Loades1836
2Michael D Bradford160801Michael J Saunders1777
3Derek Reynolds154801Colin M Newton1752
4Silviu Sandu136801Dennis B Paule1650
5Richard Ball143501Fred R Whitefield1685
6Luke Smithe115010Christopher Wray1356
Average Rating14531676
Average Performance15511578
Southend II22/11/21Basildon II
1Alex S Davis-Loades (B)183610Paul A Savin1870
2Boyan Fileve180001Arunas Gedvilas1833
3Michael J Saunders177710Peter R Laundy1795
4Colin M Newton1752½½Lakshan Siddharth1713
5Nick J Lacey167501Andrew Daniel1510
6Fred R Whitefield168501Steve Higginse1525
Average Rating17541708
Average Performance16511811
Southend I18/10/21Southend II
1Luke M Styles (B)2178½½Alex S Davis-Loades1836
2Howard Grist200110Boyan Fileve1800
3Neil A Sutherland200010Michael J Saunders1777
4Julian Corfield198510Colin M Newton1752
5Stephen L Wedlock192310Fred R Whitefield1685
6Dennis B Paule1650½½Nick J Lacey1675
Average Rating19561754
Average Performance20271683

Player Statistics

  NameRatingPWDLAScore%ageBoard AvgPerfDiff
Dhanyadha Bharathi Mugilane1400110001/1100.06.01808+408
Dennis B Paule165041300/462.53.51827+177
Michael J Saunders177782330/843.82.01833+56
Colin M Newton1752822403/837.53.01737-15
Alex S Davis-Loades1836612302/633.31.01787-49
Fred R Whitefield1685310201/333.35.31503-182
Nick J Lacey1675702501/714.34.61422-253
David J Kinge130040130½/412.55.81264-36
Danny Hodgsone1300200200/20.05.0809-491
Joshua Davise1300100100/10.05.0850-450
Christopher Wray1356200200/20.06.0425-931
Boyan Fileve1800200200/20.02.01117-683

Results 2021/22 Index   Southend League Division 1 - 1st Team   Southend League Minor