Southend & District Chess League Title

Last updated 14/09/21

Southend & District Chess League Privacy Notice


The Southend & District Chess League is a not-for-profit association of member chess organisations in south-east Essex. It is managed by an Executive Committee drawn from members and/or representatives of those member organisations. It runs chess events for those member organisations and for individuals. Adults and children participate in our events.

We are affiliated to the English Chess Federation (“ECF”) with whom we have an arrangement, along with many other chess organisations in England and Wales, for the rating of individual performances (“rating”) within our competitions whether or not those individuals are direct members of the English Chess Federation. Both the ECF and the world governing chess body, Fédération Internationale des Échecs (“FIDE”), protect personal information by allocating a unique individual reference for rating purposes, known as an “ECF Code” for national rating and as a “FIN” for international rating purposes.

For our age restricted competitions, we protect personal identification data of Junior players by using a player’s ECF Code and/or FIN for eligibility. For players who are not known to the national or international rating databases information of a more personal nature (such as a date of birth or parts thereof depending on the organisation) is required for our eligibility purposes so that those external organisations can create a reference code in accordance with their data protection policies to protect data of a more personal nature. Once this has been created for a player, we delete this additional personal information. Age and gender information is required by these external organisations as part of the process for allocating an ECF Code or FIN and to facilitate the search functions on their public rating databases for the benefit of individual chess players. You are referred to the data protection policies and privacy notices of these external organisations as to their processing of your personal data.

The national and international rating databases, together with our results archive, are kept in the wider public interest of having national and international systems to measure and record performance as well as keeping a statistical historical record of chess played. Those who play in our competitions have a legitimate interest and an expectation that:

All players participating in the League’s rated events are required to be members of the ECF. If requested by the member club, we will collate the necessary information required to become an ECF member and pass this on to the ECF via the Essex Chess Association – a Membership Organisation for the ECF. Clubs that use this facility have a legitimate interest and expectation that their name, contact details, date of birth, gender and, for renewal purposes, ECF membership number and ECF Code that they provide will be passed on to enable them to become members of the ECF.

As an organisation we are committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of all who participate in the running of the Southend & District Chess League, our members and those involved in our competitions whether they be players, parents and guardians, carers or organisers.

For junior chess players we have a legal obligation to process their date of birth as from the age of 13 they can exercise their own privacy rights and so that we can ensure appropriate safeguarding four our teams and at our events. Junior chess players, their parents and guardians have an expectation and a legitimate interest in the fairness of age restricted competitions or prizes.

Our member organisations supply personal information about:
a) their representatives including team captains, managers and organisers, which includes name, address, email and phone number; and
b) their players including name and residence information.

The Southend & District Chess League is what is known as the “Controller” of the personal information that is provided to us by our member organisations. It can be contacted through the General Secretary whose details appear on our website.

Why we need your data

To be able to function as a representative body for our member organisations we need to be able to communicate with them and other similar bodies in the south-east of Essex who might want to become members in the future. These organisations and the Southend & District Chess League have a legitimate interest in such communications including information about our activities. Personal contact details are required for this purpose.

To be able to function as an organiser of individual events we need to be able to communicate with individual members of our member organisations. These individuals and the Southend & District Chess League have a legitimate interest in such communications including information about membership and our activities. Personal contact details are required for this purpose. Promotional material about the activities of the Southend & District Chess League is provided on our website and by email. We do not use other forms of social media. To receive promotional material by email you must provide consent.

To be able to take out ECF memberships for individual members of our member clubs on request, we need to be able to pass on to the ECF, via the Essex Chess Association, the membership personal information that they require of you.

To be able to operate the Southend & District Chess League under the terms of our Constitution the members of the two governing representative bodies (the Executive Committee and the members in League Council) need to communicate with each other. The Southend & District Chess League and those members have a legitimate interest in such communications. Personal contact details are required for this purpose.

To be able to organise chess competitions our organisers and officials need to communicate with each other and with organisations who might wish to enter teams (or inform their members of any competitions for individual chess players) or contact players about competitions for individuals. The Southend & District Chess League and these individuals have a legitimate interest in such communications. Personal contact details are required for this purpose.

All the eligible results of our competitions are submitted for rating by the ECF. This is usually done by our Rating Officer or event organiser. In submitting rating results to the ECF, our competition organisers are also what are known as “Data Processors” for the ECF. To be able to run our competitions fairly, some of which have restrictions on entering according to age and/or rating, we need to be able to identify participants, use their rating and results and forward information to the ECF for rating purposes. There are eligibility criteria for all our competitions, some of which are set by the ECF. In the interests of fair play, it may be necessary to seek additional personal information to satisfy ourselves that players are eligible to play. It is also necessary for both the Southend & District Chess League and the ECF to keep a historical statistical record of the chess played in its events and for the more recent results to be publicly accessible from their respective websites. The Southend & District Chess League and participating teams and players have a legitimate interest in these functions. Personal names and results along with, in some circumstances, date of birth information are required for these purposes.

What we do with your data

All the personal information we process is processed by our officials according to their specific roles within the Southend & District Chess League. Other than the ECF for membership (via the Essex Chess Association) and/or rating purposes, no third parties have access to your personal information unless it is necessary for the role you have accepted or you have consented to its public accessibility via our website or promotional literature.

Personal data relating to your chess results is publicly available on our website and the ECF rating website. It is also archived for statistical and historical purposes as a permanent record. It is not possible to participate in our chess competitions if you object to this or to the passing of rating information to the ECF.

Our officials keep your personal information secure either on password protected systems or password protected files. The General Secretary maintains a central list of contact details – a ‘League Directory’ so that the Southend & District Chess League can function as an organisation and officials and member clubs’ representatives can be contacted as appropriate.

How long do we keep your data?

Other than information relating your chess results we only keep personal information for as long as is necessary to establish eligibility for our competitions or whilst we await an ECF Code or for the duration of your involvement with the Southend & District Chess League or until notified of change by you or other organisations who are responsible for keeping their own contact information up-to-date. After that it is deleted.

Our website

Our website does not use cookies. Some websites will invite you to use cookies which take and store information from your computer to make it easier to use their sites. Websites should notify you when they do.

Our website may display photographs of individuals taken during our activities. The taking of photographs at our events will be announced and is regulated in accordance with our safeguarding policy. Subjects may request that they are not portrayed or identified in any published material.

What are your rights?

If at any point you believe the information we process on you is incorrect you can request to see this information, and have it corrected or deleted in some circumstances or withdraw consent for promotional material. Players have the right to ask the Southend & District Chess League not to process their personal data. However, in those circumstances it would not be possible to play in any Southend & District Chess League events.

If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact us through the General Secretary to have the matter investigated.

If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are processing your personal data not in accordance with the law, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office

Sensitive information - safeguarding

To comply with laws on safeguarding children and adults in need having regard to our Safeguarding Policy, for social protection and for the purposes of our public liability insurance we may need from time to time to process personal information relating to:

All safeguarding sensitive information is confidential and is also processed according to our Safeguarding Policy. Confidential information is maintained securely by our safeguarding team on free standing password protected systems and/or password protected files. In some instances that information may need to be shared with one or more of the Executive, other safeguarding officers in other organisations, Social Services or the Police depending on the circumstances. Sharing of safeguarding information is governed by Law and is undertaken in accordance with our Safeguarding Policy. In extreme circumstances processing may also be in the vital interests of the individual or involve social care.

We also hold non-confidential information relating to safeguarding at our events, which includes personal information about our organisers and officials. This is a necessary part of being able to run events that may include junior chess players or adults in need. Similarly, it is necessary for our contacting team to be contactable by those participating in or spectating at our events. The Southend & District Chess League, our officials and organisers, junior players, adults in need, carers, parents and guardians have a legitimate interest in the processing of this personal information, including contact details.

Safeguarding documents relating to concerns about a child will be retained for seven years after the child has left their member club. Safeguarding documents relating to concerns about an adult’s behaviour will be retained until the adult reaches the age of 65 or for ten years – whichever is longer. This archive also serves as a data back-up and is kept securely by the General Secretary.


Any changes to this Privacy Notice will be announced on the Southend & District Chess League website.