Southend & District Chess League Title
Rules Index   Part 2 - League Composition

Revised June 2023

Rules - Part 1. League Administration

A.The League shall be called ‘The Southend and District Chess League’, and consist of member clubs whose venues are included in the following postcode areas: SS0 to SS99, CM11 and CM12.
B.The administration of the League shall be conducted by an Executive Committee on behalf of the League Council. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice Presidents, and at least eight (8) other members elected at the League Annual General Meeting. The Executive will appoint its own officers.
C.The Financial Year shall be from 1st June to 31st May.
D.Any changes to these rules may only be ratified by the League Council which shall comprise of the Executive Committee and two delegates from each member club. Any proposed changes are to be notified to the General Secretary by the preceding 1st March.
E.The quorum for the Executive Committee shall be five (5) and for the League Council eight (8).
F.The League Council Meeting will be held each year during April or May before the Annual General Meeting, which shall be held not later than the last day of June. Individual members of the clubs affiliated to the League may attend and speak at the League Council Meeting, but only two (2) delegates from each club plus the members of the Executive Committee will be permitted to vote.
G.At the written request of three (3) or more member club Secretaries, the General Secretary will convene a Special Council Meeting within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of the requests; giving seven (7) clear days notice to the member clubs and stating the business to be transacted. No other business than that stated shall be considered.
H.In the event of an equality of votes on an amendment to these rules, the motion shall be considered lost. In the event of an equality of votes on a dispute brought before the Executive Committee or a Special Council Meeting, the Chairman will have an additional casting vote.
I.In the interpretation of these rules, or in any matter arising which is not covered by these rules, the Rules Officer in conjunction with the Executive Committee shall have the power to make decisions as they deem necessary.

Rules Index   Part 2 - League Composition