Southend & District Chess League Title
Rules Index   

Revised June 2021

Handicap System For Perriman Cup

The handicap points are calculated as follows:

1.Total the ratings for both teams as given on the result sheet for the match.
2.Obtain the difference in total ratings between the two teams.
3.Award handicap points to the team with the lower total ratings, as follows;
Rating Difference
0 - 299 0
300 - 599½
600 - 8991
900 - 1199
1200 - 14992
1500 - 1799
1800 - 20993
2100 - 2399
2400+ 4
4.A player's rating is taken to be that given on the Registration or Supplementary Registration form.

Other Points

DefaultsWhen a player who is listed to play fails to arrive (or arrives too late to play) and subsequently defaults their rating will remain in the calculation for the purposes of Rules 1 - 3.
Where a team defaults on the bottom board(s) without naming a player(s), the rating taken for the purposes of Rules 1 - 3 will be the same as the rating of the player on the board immediately above the default(s).
SubstitutionsWhen a player is used as a "substitute" to replace a listed player who is absent, the rating taken for the purposes of Rules 1 - 3 will be the higher of (a) the rating of the absent listed player and (b) the rating of the "substitute player".
Tie-BreakIf the final match scores are tied, the bottom board elimination rule will apply, i.e. re-calculate the scores ignoring board 6. If board 6 is drawn ignore board 5 etc. If all matches are drawn and no handicap is given to either side, a re-match will take place.

Rules Index