Southend & District Chess League Title
Results 1996/97 Index   Division 1   Division 3

Results 1996/97 - Division 2

League Table

Southend III10532013  XXX3½-2½2-43-35½-½4-2
Wickford I10613013  5-1XXX4-24½-1½4½-1½3-3
Wickford II10613013  2½-3½4-2XXX4-24½-1½4-2
Customs II1033409  3-33½-2½3½-2½XXX3½-2½3-3
Customs III 1 1022606  2½-3½0-63-33½-½XXX4-2
Hadleigh II1014506  3-32-41½-4½5½-½3-3XXX

The tie at the top of the table was resolved by a jamboree. Wickford I were promoted.

1 Play-off - Customs III 3½-2½ Hadleigh II

Detailed Match Results

Customs III12/05/97Hadleigh II
1Ian Barkere11010William Latto101
2Graham Walker108½½Andrew Roberts104
3Frank E Gulley10110Peter T Whitelam111
4Matthew P Jellett8810David E Asher99
5Malcolm Hunte7001Ronald H Prickett99
6Heather Walker6901I Roy Shaw93
Average Grade91.0101.2
Average Performance109.582.7
Relegation play-off
Customs III15/04/97Wickford I
1Ian Barkere11010Adam Batson133
2Graham Walker108½½Geoff C Elliston127
3John Hart105½½Don Dennis125
4Frank E Gulley101½½Arthur McCormick124
5Mark S Jones9601Colin L Rogers100
6Reg D Salmon91½½Anthony JE Barker88
Average Grade101.8116.2
Average Performance116.2101.8
Board 3: Customs player barred under 5 game rule - match awarded to Wickford
Southend III07/04/97Wickford II
1Roger H Oxenham137½½Ian Stark117
2Graham S Lee13201Chris J Webb115
3David K Legg12201David Hutchings112
4Barry DA Fraser12001Roger Mugridge108
5Giovanni Bonomoe8010Colin L Rogers100
6Robert Millse70½½Edward W Jefferye108
Average Grade110.2110.0
Average Performance93.3126.8
Customs II01/04/97Hadleigh II
1Robert J Arthurton11401William Latto101
2David M Brunt11010Andrew Roberts104
3Jim R Grigg11310Peter T Whitelam111
4Melvin R Pool11610Barry Archer100
5Mark S Jones9601Ronald H Prickett99
6Reg D Salmon9101I Roy Shaw93
Average Grade106.7101.3
Average Performance101.3106.7
Wickford II26/03/97Customs II
1Timothy E Angus7701Robert J Arthurton114
2Eric W Warren11401Melvin R Pool116
3David Hutchings11210Mark S Jones96
4Roger Mugridge10810Graham Walker108
5Colin L Rogers10010Peter Sheldon85
6Timothy E Angus7710Heather Walker69
Average Grade98.098.0
Average Performance114.781.3
Wickford I19/03/97Southend III
1Adam Batson13310Roger H Oxenham137
2William S Paterson12210Barry DA Fraser120
3Geoff C Elliston12710Laurie S Harrold107
4Ian Stark11701Robert Millse70
5David Hutchings11210Tony C Lodge59
6Arthur McCormick12410Darius FL Ware-Lane37
Average Grade122.588.3
Average Performance132.878.0
Hadleigh II17/03/97Customs III
1William Latto10101Graham Walker108
2Andrew Roberts104½½Ian Barkere110
3Peter T Whitelam111½½John Hart105
4David E Asher9901Frank E Gulley101
5Barry Archer10010Peter Sheldon85
6Philip J Wilson9010David Bradburye70
Average Grade100.896.5
Average Performance96.5100.8
Wickford I12/03/97Customs II
1Geoff C Elliston12710Robert J Arthurton114
2Don Dennis12510David M Brunt110
3Arthur McCormick12410Melvin R Pool116
4Eric W Warren114½½John Hart105
5Roger Mugridge10801Frank E Gulley101
6Colin L Rogers10010Default
Average Grade116.3109.2
Average Performance129.299.6
Wickford II05/03/97Hadleigh II
1Ian Stark11710Andrew Roberts104
2Eric W Warren114½½William Latto101
3David Hutchings11210Andrew Bowcocke110
4Roger Mugridge10810David E Asher99
5Colin L Rogers100½½Ronald H Prickett99
6Timothy E Angus7701Barry Archer100
Average Grade104.7102.2
Average Performance118.888.0
Southend III03/03/97Customs III
1Roger H Oxenham137½½Ian Barkere110
2Jack A Speigel13410Graham Walker108
3Graham S Lee13210John Hart105
4David K Legg12210Frank E Gulley101
5Barry DA Fraser12010Mark S Jones96
6Laurie S Harrold10710Malcolm Hunte70
Average Grade125.398.3
Average Performance140.083.7
Customs III25/02/97Customs II
1Ian Barkere110½½Robert J Arthurton114
2Graham Walker10810Melvin R Pool116
3John Hart10510David M Brunt110
4Frank E Gulley10110Reg D Salmon91
Average Grade106.0107.8
Average Performance145.368.5
Customs II18/02/97Southend III
1Robert J Arthurton11401Jack A Speigel134
2David M Brunt11001Laurie S Harrold107
3Melvin R Pool11610George MA Smith104
4Frank E Gulley10110Default
5John Hart105½½Brian Willmoree60
6Ian Barkere110½½Tony C Lodge59
Average Grade109.392.8
Average Performance86.0117.8
Hadleigh II17/02/97Wickford I
1Lawrence N Collin12501Adam Batson133
2Andrew Roberts104½½Geoff C Elliston127
3Peter T Whitelam111½½Don Dennis125
4William Latto10101Chris J Webb115
5Ronald H Prickett99½½Arthur McCormick124
6David E Asher99½½Edward W Jefferye108
Average Grade106.5122.0
Average Performance105.3123.2
Customs III11/02/97Wickford II
1Ian Barkere11010Ian Stark117
2Graham Walker10801Chris J Webb115
3John Hart10501David Hutchings112
4Frank E Gulley10110Roger Mugridge108
5Mark S Jones9601Colin L Rogers100
6Malcolm Hunte7010Edward W Jefferye108
Average Grade98.3110.0
Average Performance110.098.3
Wickford II29/01/97Wickford I
1Ian Stark11701Geoff C Elliston127
2Chris J Webb11510Don Dennis125
3David Hutchings11201William S Paterson122
4Roger Mugridge10810Arthur McCormick124
5Colin L Rogers10010Edward W Jefferye108
6Derek Cameron8710Brian Cooper82
Average Grade106.5114.7
Average Performance131.389.8
Southend III27/01/97Hadleigh II
1Roger H Oxenham13701Lawrence N Collin125
2Jack A Speigel13410Andrew Roberts104
3Graham S Lee13210Terry Last116
4Barry DA Fraser12001Peter T Whitelam111
5Laurie S Harrold10710William Latto101
6Giovanni Bonomoe8010David E Asher99
Average Grade118.3109.3
Average Performance126.0101.7
Wickford II15/01/97Southend III
1Ian Stark11701Roger H Oxenham137
2Chris J Webb115½½Jack A Speigel134
3Eric W Warren11401Barry DA Fraser120
4David Hutchings11210Laurie S Harrold107
5Roger Mugridge10801Giovanni Bonomoe80
6Derek Cameron8710Tony C Lodge59
Average Grade108.8106.2
Average Performance97.8117.2
Hadleigh II13/01/97Customs II
1Lawrence N Collin12510David M Brunt110
2Andrew Roberts104½½Robert J Arthurton114
3Peter T Whitelam11110Jim R Grigg113
4Andrew Bowcocke11010Matthew P Jellett88
5William Latto10110Nicholas P Jellett68
6David E Asher9910Peter Sheldon85
Average Grade108.396.3
Average Performance138.066.7
Wickford I08/01/97Customs III
1Geoff C Elliston127½½Graham Walker108
2Don Dennis12510John Hart105
3Arthur McCormick12401Mark S Jones96
4William S Paterson12210Peter Sheldon85
5David Hutchings11210Heather Walker69
6Tom Hedaux8310Malcolm Hunte70
Average Grade115.588.8
Average Performance114.390.0
Customs II17/12/96Wickford II
1David M Brunt11010Ian Stark117
2Robert J Arthurton11401David Hutchings112
3Jim R Grigg11310Roger Mugridge108
4Melvin R Pool11610Default
5Graham Walker108½½Tom Hedaux83
6Peter Sheldon8501Brian Cooper82
Average Grade107.7100.4
Average Performance100.4106.0
Customs III10/12/96Hadleigh II
1Graham Walker10810Peter T Whitelam111
2John Hart105½½Andrew Roberts104
3Frank E Gulley10110Barry Archer100
4Mark S Jones96½½William Latto101
5Peter Sheldon8501Ronald H Prickett99
6Malcolm Hunte7010I Roy Shaw93
Average Grade94.2101.3
Average Performance118.077.5
Southend III02/12/96Wickford I
1Roger H Oxenham13701Adam Batson133
2Jack A Speigel13410Don Dennis125
3Graham S Lee13210Arthur McCormick124
4Barry DA Fraser12001David Hutchings112
5Giovanni Bonomoe8010Roger Mugridge108
6Robert Millse70½½Tom Hedaux83
Average Grade112.2114.2
Average Performance122.5103.8
Customs III26/11/96Southend III
1Graham Walker10801Paul Rosenfeld126
2John Hart105½½Barry DA Fraser120
3Mark S Jones9610Laurie S Harrold107
4Malcolm Hunte7001Giovanni Bonomoe80
5Jack Granate5001Robert Millse70
6David Bradburye7010Paul Ward66
Average Grade83.294.8
Average Performance86.591.5
Hadleigh II25/11/96Wickford II
1Lawrence N Collin12501Chris J Webb115
2Peter T Whitelam11101David Hutchings112
3Andrew Roberts10401Roger Mugridge108
4Barry Archer10001Colin L Rogers100
5William Latto10110Graham C Batson95
6Paul J Houghton86½½Derek Cameron87
Average Grade104.5102.8
Average Performance77.8129.5
Customs II12/11/96Wickford I
1David M Brunt110½½Adam Batson133
2Jim R Grigg11310Geoff C Elliston127
3Melvin R Pool11601Don Dennis125
4John Hart10510Arthur McCormick124
5Graham Walker10810Chris J Webb115
6Frank E Gulley10101David Hutchings112
Average Grade108.8122.7
Average Performance131.0100.5
Wickford I06/11/96Hadleigh II
1Adam Batson13310Andrew Bowcocke110
2Geoff C Elliston127½½Andrew Roberts104
3Don Dennis12501William Latto101
4Arthur McCormick124½½Barry Archer100
5Ian Stark11701David E Asher99
6Chris J Webb11510I Roy Shaw93
Average Grade123.5101.2
Average Performance101.2123.5
Southend III04/11/96Customs II
1Roger H Oxenham13710Robert J Arthurton114
2Dennis B Paul13301David M Brunt110
3Graham S Lee13201Melvin R Pool116
4Barry DA Fraser120½½John Hart105
5Laurie S Harrold107½½Mark S Jones96
6David K Legg12210Default
Average Grade125.2108.2
Average Performance98.2135.8
Wickford II30/10/96Customs III
1Chris J Webb11510Graham Walker108
2Eric W Warren114½½John Hart105
3David Hutchings11201Frank E Gulley101
4Felix Mwarewangepoe11010Mark S Jones96
5Roger Mugridge10810Heather Walker69
6Colin L Rogers10010Jack Granate50
Average Grade109.888.2
Average Performance114.883.2
Wickford I16/10/96Wickford II
1Adam Batson133½½David Hutchings112
2Geoff C Elliston12701Felix Mwarewangepoe110
3Don Dennis12510Roger Mugridge108
4Arthur McCormick12410Colin L Rogers100
5William S Paterson122½½Graham C Batson95
6Brian Cooper8210Derek Cameron87
Average Grade118.8102.0
Average Performance118.7102.2
Customs II15/10/96Customs III
1Robert J Arthurton11410Graham Walker108
2Melvin R Pool11601John Hart105
3Matthew P Jellett8801Frank E Gulley101
4Michael J Bridger8910Mark S Jones96
5Nicholas P Jellett6810Jack Granate50
6Peter Sheldon85½½Malcolm Hunte70
Average Grade93.388.3
Average Performance96.785.0
Hadleigh II14/10/96Southend III
1Lawrence N Collin12510Roger H Oxenham137
2Terry Last11601Dennis B Paul133
3Peter T Whitelam111½½Graham S Lee132
4Andrew Roberts104½½Paul Rosenfeld126
5Barry Archer10001Barry DA Fraser120
6William Latto10110Laurie S Harrold107
Average Grade109.5125.8
Average Performance125.8109.5

Results 1996/97 Index   Division 1   Division 3