Southend Chess Club Title

Results 2013/14 Index   Southend League Team Lightning   JA Speigel Memorial

Results 2013/14 - Club Championship

1Howard Grist176b8+w7+b2=w9+b5=w4+5   186
2Michael J Saunders151w3+b10+w1=b5+w4-b6+165
3Mark G Kay 1108b2-w14+b17+Dw7+b8=w5+148
4Stephen L Wedlock165b6=w17+b8=w12+b2+b1-4   156
5John Wright146b13+w11+b6+w2-w1=b3-136
6Fred R Whitefield121w4=b15+w5-b10+w11+w2-131
7Dennis R Dartnell143w18+b1-w16+Db3-b9=w12+133
8Colin M Newton133w1-b13+w4=b15+w3=b10=133
9Neil A Sutherland175w10-b16+w15+b1-w7=b13+152
10Nigel E Cook118b9+w2-b11+w6-b12=w8=3   122
11John R Chapman68bye+b5-w10-w14+b6-b18+3   87
12Dennis M Thompson89w15-b18+w13+b4-w10=b7-98
13Paul Ward93w5-w8-b12-b18+w14+w9-2   91
14William U Bremner67w16-b3-w18+b11-b13-w15+2   65
15Alan H Wilson76b12+w6-b9-w8-w18-b14-1   66
16Krishna Karthikeyan53b14+w9-b7-D1   80
17Skanda Karttikeyane59bye+b4-w3-D1   49
18James I Courtenay92b7-w12-b14-w13-b15+w11-1   54

1 Mark Kay won the Tilleard Cup and the U110 award.

Results 2013/14 Index   Southend League Team Lightning   JA Speigel Memorial