Southend & District Chess League Title
Rules Index   Part 2 - League Composition   Part 4 - League & Club Obligations

Revised May 2024

Rules - Part 3. Registration, Terms of Membership and Player Eligibility

A.1.At the beginning of each season, all players must be registered with the League. On all registration forms each players rating must be indicated alongside his / her name. This should be obtained from the September rating list, as published by the English Chess Federation. If a player does not have a published full rating, an estimated value will be determined by the Rating Officer. All players must be members of the ECF (at Bronze level or higher) and their ECF Membership details must be provided on the form. The registration will not be accepted without these.
2.Block registration forms must be submitted to the Registration Officer, by the 23rd September. He will take copies of these forms, which he will send to the Results Officer and Treasurer. A supplementary registration form should be sent to the Registration Officer at least three days before a new player takes part in any match.
3.Any player may up to the end of February in the current season, represent a club in a match providing the supplementary registration form has been dispatched to the Registration Officer, at least three (3) days before the match, and that the player has not represented any other club in the Southend and District League in the current season. The player must be a member of the ECF (at Bronze level or higher) and their ECF Membership details must be provided on the form. The registration will not be accepted without these.
No further registrations will be accepted after this date for the current season.
4.No player shall be registered to play for more than one club in the Southend and District League. After the commencement of the season, a player may only transfer from one club to another by making a written application to the Registration Officer and receiving approval in writing from the Executive Committee.
5.A club making a false declaration on either a block or supplementary registration form, or a results sheet, shall be considered to have lost the match ( or matches ) in which the falsely declared player(s) appears. Further action, if deemed necessary, will be taken against the club by the Executive Committee.
6.If a player, unbeknown to the club, compounds a false declaration on a block or supplementary registration form, or a results sheet, the match shall be replayed and the player automatically barred from the replay and subject to suspension. Should the match have been lost the result shall stand but the player will be subject to suspension. The period of suspension will be decided by the Executive Committee.
7.All registered players are expected to maintain continuous ECF Membership through to the end of August following the end of the season in which they are registered. If a player does not maintain continuous ECF Membership, then any fees incurred by the League for rating of the player's games will be passed on to the player's club.
B.1.Clubs entering more than one team in the League must nominate ( on the block registration form ) the five (5) strongest members expected to play for each team other than their lowest team. A tolerance of seventy-five (75) rating points will be allowed for players to be allocated to their respective team(s). The players so nominated shall be barred from playing in a lower team than that for which they were nominated, no player may be nominated for more than one team.
2.Any player who was nominated as a 'barred-player' the previous season and did not play in the League, will not be accepted as a nominated player in the current season, but will be considered as 'additional' to the nominated players list submitted by his club.
3.The playing of an ineligible player ( for any reason other than false declaration when registering ) in any team will result in the match being scored a loss. If the player was ineligible because he was unregistered the club shall be charged an amount equivalent to the appropriate ECF Membership fee. This charge will be cancelled if ECF Membership details are provided for the player.
4.No player shall play more than one opponent simultaneously.
C.1.Fees will be fixed each year at the League Council Meeting prior to the forthcoming season. These are for League entries, Player Registration, Competition fees for the Individual KnockOuts, Perriman Cup, Individual Lightning, Team Lightning and Blitz Chess events.
2.Fees must be paid to the Treasurer by 30 November each year for the current season. Any club that has not paid its fees in full by 30 November shall incur a £30 penalty, with an additional £20 penalty incurred at the end of each calendar month until payment in full has been made. Any club that has not paid its fees in full by 31 July of the following year shall not be registered to play in any of the competitions run by the League until all outstanding fees are fully paid.

Rules Index   Part 2 - League Composition   Part 4 - League & Club Obligations