Southend & District Chess League Title
Rules Index   Part 3 - Registration   Part 5 - Conditions of Play

Revised May 2006

Rules - Part 4. League and Club Obligations

A.1.Each team will play two (2) matches ( one home and one away ) against all other teams in the same division between 1st October and 30th April, except on special circumstances approved by the Executive Committee.
2.Where two teams from the same club are in the same division, then their first match must be played by the 31st October. Similarly, the return match must be played by the 31st January.
Where a club has three teams in the same division, then the first match will be between the two lower ranked teams. The matches between the first and the third, and the first and second ranked teams should follow sequentially in the fixtures schedule.
Games unfinished on the match night must be continued so that a conclusive match result is obtained no later than five (5) weeks from the date of the first period of play.
Failure to observe this rule will result in the match being declared void with no points awarded to either team.
Clubs wishing to claim exemption from this rule must apply to the Executive Committee stating when it is intended to play the match.
3.Perriman Cup
The first round of the Perriman Cup shall be scheduled for the first official week of the season.
Club Secretaries and/or team captains will be notified of the draw at least two weeks prior to the match date.
No postponements will be allowed. Any team unable to meet its obligations will be deemed to have lost.
Unfinished games must be completed such that a result is achieved within five (5) weeks of the date of the first period of play. Any player unable to complete a game within this time will be deemed to have lost unless given an extension by permission of the Competitions Officer.
4.All matches shall be played on the dates shown on the fixture list unless an alternative date is mutually agreed between the two captains, subject to the provisions of Part 4.A.2. being complied with. In the event of a revised date being agreed, the Results Officer must be advised by the home team captain.
5.Clubs must give opponents at least eight (8) clear days notice if unable to comply with an arranged fixture or forfeit the match.
6.After 31st October any one team may postpone one match per season, in addition to those previously rearranged, without penalty subject to rule Part 4.A.5.. Subsequent postponements will incur a penalty of one league point per postponement.
Clubs may appeal for exemption from the loss of a league point by presenting details of extenuating circumstances, in writing, to the Executive Committee within seven days of the original fixture.
7.When a team fails to comply with an arranged fixture, by reason of default, and gives less than twenty-four (24) hours notice or gives no notice, that team shall be deducted two (2) league points and a fine of twenty (20) pounds will be imposed on the offending club. Clubs may appeal for exemption from the penalties by presenting details of the extenuating circumstances, in writing, to the Executive Committee within seven (7) days of the original fixture.
B.1.At the end of each season the top team in any division will be promoted to the next highest division, whilst the bottom team will be relegated to the next lowest division. Where a vacancy occurs in a division due withdrawal, relegation will be waived in that division and lower divisions. Further vacancies will be filled by promotion of additional teams.
2.Relegation and promotion will be automatic unless in the opinion of the Executive Committee such action will not be advantageous to the club or the division concerned. Any club wishing not to be promoted must notify the General Secretary, in writing, within seven (7) days of completing their last league fixture. Should the Executive Committee not be able to finalise the position it will be referred to the League Council.
3.In the event of two or more clubs tying for a divisional championship or relegation, a play-off will be arranged.
C. In the event of a withdrawal of a team which has not completed its programme, all matches played by the withdrawing team shall be annulled.
D. Cups and / or Trophies will be presented to the winning teams / players at the A.G.M. each year, and remain in their possession until the following 1st March. The League will effect insurance, where deemed necessary by the Executive Committee, and also bear the cost of engraving on its cups and Trophies.

Rules Index   Part 3 - Registration   Part 5 - Conditions of Play