Southend & District Chess League Title
Rules Index   Part 4 - League & Club Obligations   Part 6 - Game Continuations

Revised May 2024

Rules - Part 5. Conditions of Play

A. Matches will start at 7:30 pm if mutually agreed between the captains or 7.45pm otherwise.
B. All games in a match must be played at the same time.
C. Match captains or their deputies must exchange team lists at least five (5) minutes before the time agreed for the commencement of the match.
D. Immediately after the exchange of 'team lists', match captains will toss for colours. The team winning the toss will have the choice of colours on the odd numbered boards. A team unable to produce a team list five (5) minutes before the agreed starting time will be deemed to have lost the toss.
E.1.Teams will play in descending order of strength, the strongest player on board one (1). The exceptions to this rule are as follows:
(i) Where a reserve player is substituted to take the place of a listed player failing to make an appearance.
(ii) Where a higher rated player is listed down the board order to occupy a board that has been defaulted by the opposing team.
Where a board is defaulted at or before the time team lists are exchanged, the default must appear below contested games in the board order. All other defaults must be shown against a nominated player on the result sheet.
2.If a team claims that their opponents have played out of descending order of playing strength per rule E.1. they should state this when submitting the match result or within fourteen (14) days of the match. Any claim will be considered by the Results Officer or the Executive Committee. If no claim is made within the fourteen (14) days the result will stand.
F.1.Any player not present at the commencement of the match will be allowed thirty (30) minutes grace. A reserve player must be substituted or the game conceded by default. The results sheet is to indicate any substitute player by means of an asterisk against his name for the benefit of the Registration Officer.
2.When a board is defaulted by the home team with insufficient notice and no adequate explanation to the away captain, the away player may claim £5 compensation from the home club. Claims must be made through the match captains. If agreement is not reached or payment is not made, the matter may be referred to the General Secretary within 14 days of the match.
3.When a board is defaulted on resumption by the home player with insufficient notice and no adequate explanation to their opponent, the away player may claim £5 compensation from the home club if they have made an unnecessary journey. Claims must be made through the match captains. If agreement is not reached or payment is not made, the matter may be referred to the General Secretary within 14 days of the resumption.
G.1.The rate of play will be 36 moves in the first 90 minutes and 24 moves in each hour thereafter. If both captains agree, a time control of all moves in 80 minutes plus 10 seconds per move increment may be played. In this instance all boards in the match will use this time control.

Upon mutual agreement by two opposing players, an incremental time control may be played. The time control for such games will be all moves in 80 minutes plus 10 seconds per move increment.

For Perriman Cup matches and play-off matches, the rate of play will be all moves in 80 minutes plus 10 seconds per move increment.
2.If incremental time controls are not being used, either player may propose an incremental time control to their opponent. If their opponent declines then the player proposing the incremental time control shall have the right to resume any adjournment of the game at their home venue. Captains should note all such proposals on the result sheet.
3.Time will not be called until at least one flag has fallen on every clock of the unfinished games in the match.
4.All clocks shall be started at the arranged time for the commencement of the match. If the clocks are started late due to the negligence of the home club, the away team can insist that the time be deducted from the clocks of the home players.
5.Notwithstanding Article 11(3)(b) of the FIDE Laws of Chess it is legitimate to bring mobile phones into the playing venue. At the start of each match the Captains should announce that, “All mobile phones must be switched off or set to silent mode for the duration of the match”. If a player’s mobile phone rings audibly in the playing room(s) during the course of their game, that player will receive a warning. Should the mobile phone ring again during the game they shall lose the game. Such game losses must be reported when submitting the result.
H. Two points will be awarded for each match won and one point for each match drawn.
I. Within three days of the end of the first meeting, both teams should e-mail the match result including player names and scores to the officers nominated on the result sheet. Details of unfinished games should be supplied. Results of play-ons should also be e-mailed to the nominated officers once they are known. The penalty for non-compliance to this rule will be one pound.
J. Details of any disputes or protests by a club are to be sent in writing within seven (7) days of the incident to the General Secretary who will, if necessary, refer the matter to the Executive Committee whose decision is final. A copy of the letter sent to the General Secretary must also be sent at the same time to the other club concerned in the protest or dispute.
K. Any club or member of the league who is considered by the Executive Committee to have been guilty of gross misconduct whilst involved in activities related to chess, shall be allowed representation at the next Executive Committee meeting, before any action is taken by the Committee.

Alternatively, a special council meeting, as defined under rule part 1.G., may be convened as circumstances require.

Rules Index   Part 4 - League & Club Obligations   Part 6 - Game Continuations